Posted on 1st May 2020
To all our valued customers,
We hope that you have all been well. We know that this is a scary time but we will get through this together. We thank you for cooperating with all the safety precautions that we have been taking such as wearing masks, limiting the amount of people in the store, and standing 6 feet apart.
We don’t know about you all, but we have been snacking so much during this quarantine. Many employees have joked that when they are home, they walk to the pantry and refrigerator every 20 minutes hoping a new treat has somehow magically appeared. To make sure you never have to do this, we’ve decided to gather a list of some of our favorite snacks that will make your mouth water.
With our blog we hope to keep you up to date with all the latest products in store and sales that are happening. We will also be sharing recipes and employee picks that we think you might enjoy. If you would like to feature your recipes in a blog post, don’t hesitate to private message us on Instagram or Facebook or email us at
Please continue to stay safe!
-Your Caribbean Supercenter Family